• Bachelor/Master level
  • 80-100 Study hours in own time and speed
  • Prijs: €995,00 (excl. VAT), including course materials


Becoming a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt at the internationally recognized level of IIBLC®? With the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt self-study from MKPC you will learn, in an interactive way, the methods and techniques to find problems in processes, to analyse them and to reduce or eliminate them. And of course also how to implement the improvements together with the employees in your organisation.

“I have experienced the self-study as very complete, clearly explaining the subjects and having well to the point practical exercises.” – Robert, Plant Manager

The self-study is interactive because the theory is alternated with dozens of practical exercises. In  this way you are actively working with everything you learn and you translate the theory constantly to your own practice. The structure of the self-study is the same as the steps that are necessary for the improvement of processes. You will learn to apply the right tools and techniques at the right time.

Target audience

The Green Belt self-study is targeted for line managers, project managers and consultants who have a leading role or get one in Lean Six Sigma improvement projects. Also is this course well suited if you Also is this course very useful if you get involved in improvement projects or want to play a role in them.

The self-study is ideal if you want to follow the training in your own time and pace and are able to bring up the discipline for it. To participate in this self-study you do not need any specific prerequisite training.

What can you do after the course?

After the self-study you will understand what changes do with employees and the organisation and you will be able to (continuously) improve your own work. You also know how to apply the various tools and techniques. After the self-study, you will be able to independently launch a Lean Six Sigma project and to bring it to a demonstrable successful conclusion.


The Green Belt self-study prepares you for the internationally recognised Certified Green Belt in Lean (CGBL®) from the International Independent Board for Lean Certification (IIBLC®) who operates in 10+ countries in Europe and countries in 4 other continents. A whopping 95% of our course participants succeeds in passing this exam at once. If you wish, you can participate in either a Dutch or English language exam in order to get the official Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification..

“I Have completed the self-study with the International Certificate of IIBLC®. And more than successful as I got a high passing score! The self-study corresponded perfectly in what was asked in the exam.” – Mary, Assistant Controller

Your investment

∘  You’ll pay  € 995,00 (excl. VAT) per participant for this self-study. 

This self-study course pays itself back! This course pays for itself! Once you, after this training, are better capable to implement the improvements in your work and optimize processes, the tide turns. Are you in this self-study course with more participants from the same company? If that is the case then you receive a collegiate discount of 15% of the total training cost.

This self-study course In-Company

Do you have a larger group of colleagues who want to do this self-study? We can also organize the Green Belt self-study in-company. This in-company self-study is the combination between the self-study tutorials that participants do in their own time, and a number of sessions, in which the assignments are related to the own practice of the participants! For an in-company self-study we can make a customized offer.


In the Green Belt self-study you will learn where Lean Six Sigma essentially stands for, what is it’s background and history and – equally important – some of the Lean thinking philosophy. To be successful with Lean Six Sigma, we pay attention to what does this method asks of you, but also what it gives you and the organization in return.

Of course you also learn what processes actually are and which Lean Six Sigma project you can start best. And how you should shape such a start. Moreover, you learn to map a process in different ways, to measure the performance and make an analysis of the process. Only when you follow these steps you can, as a real Green Belt, improve the process and implement these improvements. You will also learn how these improvements can best be developed and secured in the organization. Therefore, one aspect where much attention is paid to, is people-oriented improving and change management!

You practice in this self-study the theory of Lean Six Sigma and change management techniques in a rich mix of assignments and case studies.


You can do the self-study in your own time, at your own pace and in a self-imposed environment. Experience has shown that the self-study takes between 80 and 100 hours to complete.

Once you have paid the invoice for this self-study, you will have your package at home in 2 working days. So you can quickly get started!

LSS Boeken illustratie



You will be, in accordance with the requirements of the IIBLC® (International Independent Board for Lean Certification), trained to the internationally recognized certification level of a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt. You can choose to go for a formal Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate.

This can be obtained by successfully passing an English language Lean Six Sigma Green Belt theory exam.

  1. The Green Belt Certificate from MKPC

This exam consists of 100 multiple choice questions and is based on the internationally valid Book of Knowledge, as determined by the IIBLC®. Upon successful completion of this written English exam you will receive the associated Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate. The cost for this exam amounts to € 190,00 (excl. VAT) per person and is not included in the price of this self-study course.

2. The Green Belt Certificate from IIBLC®

If you want to receive the international Green Belt Certification, you must successfully pass the written English exam of the Green Belt of IIBLC®. This exam also consists of 80 multiple choice questions. The cost for this exam is  € 400.00 (excl. VAT) per person and is not included in the price of this self-study course.

Have you taken with us the Green Belt self-study? Take advantage of the free exam preparation. We organize this always two weeks before a (Dutch or English) exam has been scheduled!

“I think the exam preparation is a real added value.” – Paul, Customer Care Supervisor


Coaching and mentoring

Of course you, during or after the self-study , you put into practice what you’ve learned!

To assist you with that, you can use our coaching, guidance and mentoring. Whether you start with your first project or you are busy implementing Lean at your organisation, we are ready to lend you a helping hand!

At the GreenBelt self-study you have access to 2 hours of free helpdesk, besides specific course questions you can also make use of this for this type of questions. But sometimes that is not enough and you want us to help you at your physical location. You can, for a period of time or for a number of hours make use of the of the knowledge and expertise of one of our (Master) Black Belts.

For coaching and guidance we charge a standard hourly rate of € 165,00 (excl. VAT, expenses and travel). For more information please contact us.

Continuing on this self-study

After you are now trained to become a fully-fledged  Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, you may want to take the next step in your professional development. A logical continuation of this self-study is the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt-2-Black Belt self-study. This course fits seamlessly with the GreenBelt self-study and helps you to take the last step to the level of becoming a  Lean Six Sigma Black Belt.


De examentraining als ook de Praktijkdag heb ik als waardevol beschouwd. Er wordt exact aangegeven waar de nadruk voor het examen op ligt. Op de Praktijkdag leer je zelf de methodes aan den lijve te ondervinden en uit te voeren. Heel waardevol.

Ik heb de zelfstudie afgesloten met het internationaal certificaat van het IIBLC ®. En ruim geslaagd! De zelfstudie sloot voor mij perfect aan op wat in het examen werd gevraagd.

Zowel het studiemateriaal (met vele leerzame oefeningen) als de telefonische begeleiding waren wederom van top kwaliteit. Ik overweeg binnenkort de Black Belt opleiding te gaan volgen!

Eerder heb ik al de Yellow Belt gevolgd en nu heb ik de Green Belt Zelfstudie gedaan, omdat ik zo enthousiast was over de manier van opleiden en betrokkenheid. Ik heb gekozen voor de zelfstudie en dit was een perfecte keuze, omdat ik nu zelf mijn tijdsbesteding kon bepalen. Bovendien kwam het ook budgettair goed uit.

Ik heb de zelfstudie als zeer compleet, overzichtelijk en helder beschreven ervaren. Aandacht voor verandermanagement en voor de meer technische tools is goed verdeeld. Het sloot perfect aan op mijn behoefte. De zelfstudie heeft als voordeel dat je kunt studeren zonder hele dagen uit je agenda te moeten schrappen en dus niet facturabel kan zijn.

Heldere uitleg van de Lean Six Sigma docent tijdens een aangevraagd vragen-rondje. Niet alleen antwoorden geven, maar ook de toepassing gelijk even doornemen. Dat was meer dan ik had verwacht, echt een aanrader.

Door de afwisseling van zelfstudie en opdrachten was dit voor mij de ideale manier om te gaan voor mijn Green Belt. Tijdens de Praktijkdag kon je naast het praktische deel ook vragen stellen. Overzichtelijke stof, duidelijke en enthousiaste uitleg. De bijeenkomst en de managementgame waren zeer interactief en waardevol.

De Lean Six Sigma trainers zijn top! Ze weten waarover ze praten en antwoorden worden afgestemd op de vrager. Inclusief de praktijkvoorbeelden. 

De zelfstudie Green Belt heb ik als positief ervaren. Met name de visualisering in plaatjes van diverse gebruikte hulpmiddelen en methodes LSS is prettig om te kunnen onthouden. Het zelfstudieboek leest makkelijk.

Ik heb de zelfstudie Lean Six Sigma Green Belt gevolgd. Wat ik naast alle opdrachten erg fijn vond waren de proefexamens om mee te oefenen. Ook het examenvoorbereiding waar je aan mocht deelnemen vond ik heel erg handig. Hiermee kan je toetsen of je de lesmateriaal beheerst. Nu nog wachten op de uitslag.